Posts filed under: The way we are

Throwing my corn…

Rejection of the notion that “all’s fair in love and war” was put in me during my upbringing and reinforced by schooling, military training and the countless moments of horror in front of the television, listening to the radios or […]

Feeling it…

The books, lectures and experiences have informed me of leadership that inspired teams, organisations, communities and countries to up their games. I have learnt of, seen, felt and even suffered failures of leadership. As the people of Sierra Leone look […]

To shine for all…

It is six weeks to the opportunity to change a rather challenging narrative… A woman goes to have a baby knowing her country of residence makes it hugely unlikely she will see or hold that baby. She is a citizen […]

Barking Madness?

Much has been said recently about who we are, where we come from and even who is seen as really belonging. In the mix were insults, rejections, anger and confusion as emotions competed for space with rationale. What the USA […]

Fooling the people…

Odd, inconsistent, contradictory and unconstructive fixations the origins and citizenships of aspirants are creeping into the Sierra Leone election campaigns with noises on who was born here, lived there or married elsewhere becoming a tactic to enable suspect agendas. Some […]

Minds and choice…

Sierra Leonean often start gatherings using the wisdoms and experiences of the old, the powerful and the religious to set the scene for deliberations and help steer proceedings. In eight weeks there will be a dispersed gathering of Sierra Leoneans. […]

Captured minds… (3rd January 2018)

“Open your eyes and look within. Are you satisfied with the life your living?” So sings Bob Marley (‘Exodus’) in thoughts of that movement of people to a supposedly better existence. He followed that with from the song: “we know […]

A choice on agony… (27th December 2017)

Private Baldrick of the “cunning” but not so clever plans leaves Captain Blackadder with “the agony of choice” between culinary efforts that looked more like strategies for harm than offers of sustainment. Anyway, it is in the make-believe world of […]

Sacrifice of service… (26th December 2017)

It was coming up to 7 pm on Wednesday 24th December 2014 at the Bo District Ebola Response Centre. The building’s caretaker had given the five-minute warning. We knew the drill – the electricity generator was about to be switched […]

Humanity, The way we are| Tags: | Comments: 0

Con Plans (12th July 2017)

A line from Bob Marley’s ‘Crazy Baldhead’ – “Here comes the con man coming with his con plan”. Well here goes… The UK had a general election three year early because the Prime Minister wanted to “strengthen my hand”. To […]

Leadership, The way we are| Tags: | Comments: 0