Whatever the titles or positions – Monarch, President, Prime Minister, Chancellor, Taoiseach, First Minister, Governor, Mayor, Chief, religious leader, or community leaders – the COVID-19 pandemic has given students of leadership near unparalleled opportunity for like with like analysis and comparison of the effectiveness of leaders at national, regional, community and religious levels. All have faced the same threat to their people and been tasked with leading efforts toward a shared end state.

However, reactions and responses to the pandemic have varied within and across the various titles and positions. Some have made it all about themselves while others focus on the needs of their people. Some seek what is good for them while others work on getting the best in us out for the good of all of us. Some reject responsibility and point fingers while others accept their mistakes and promise to try to do better. Some have even left their people wondering who is in charge while others assure their people through effective direction, guidance and example.

For students of leaderships, while the many theories and definitions will continue to be discussed and analysed, I believe there is going to be significant convergence on the axiom that:“Leadership is not a title or position; leadership is a behaviour.”

#ThrowingMyCorn #MeNoCallNoFowl #DrowningInPuddles

© Othame Kabia