The very simple theme for International Women’s Day 2022 is “Break the Bias”; and anyone who has been on the wrong side of any form of bigotry will appreciate the challenge in that. The words are easy, but the actions somehow struggle to keep up.

Today, there will be various actions to honour our grandmothers, mothers, sisters, aunties, wives, girlfriends, daughters and nieces – our women – and we will be reminded that the fight for the opportunity to be the best they can be and give the best they can give remains a dream for most women. Even when simply trying to do their jobs, women often get to realise that being good at what they are appointed or elected to do is never enough once misogyny shows itself as a real and present issue. Sadly, in some places, men determined to make sure women are “kept in their places” get support from other women as they go about their foolishness and bullying.

So, as we mark International Women’s Day 2022 with actions that even include national public holidays in some places, let us remind ourselves about what women really need. They don’t need a day off work; they need the chance to do their work.

They don’t need to be acknowledged for only one day in the year. They need to be respected all the days of their years.

It really is very simple, women need #LessTalkMoreDo – and not just for one day every year.

© Othame