Posts filed under: Religion

Pondering… Prayers for sanity

So it’s going to be three days of mourning the Freetown fuel tanker explosion dead with prayers as the main effort. And then what? I have no issues with prayer, but what happened to the idea that we must do […]

Masking stupidity

Only two days in and 2021 is showing promise. This morning, I received a Christian equivalent of a fatwa from an “Apostle” after I told him to mask up at a COVID-19 testing centre in Freetown, Sierra Leone. His tirade, […]

Praying and Hating (10 August 2011)

I often find myself staggered by posts and comments on various forums that point to mistrust, dislike and outright bigotry driven by religion. Is it my upbringing that makes me incapable of what to me are very negative feelings with the […]

Religion, Sierra Leone, The way we are| Tags: | Comments: 0