Only two days in and 2021 is showing promise.

This morning, I received a Christian equivalent of a fatwa from an “Apostle” after I told him to mask up at a COVID-19 testing centre in Freetown, Sierra Leone. His tirade, complete with the customary but boring “do you know who I am?”, progressed into suggestions of consequences for me for “talking to me like this”, and concluded with “you will probably die for this”. How the absolute certainty of dying becomes a probability in his world didn’t and would never stir my curiosity.

Such a palaver; and all because he thought wearing his mask under his chin was all he needed to do to comply with the signs that all should wear face covering. It wouldn’t surprise me if he also thinks hanging condoms over your bed is a family planning strategy.

His ranting and raving was met by silence from me. I couldn’t care less who he was; because what people do or have done always interests me more. If he hoped bystander syndrome would allow him pretence at being smart, the intervention by others at the centre suggested a serious miscalculation on his part.

His display was foolishness that confirmed it is “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt” (Abraham Lincoln).

#FalseProphets #NoCureForStupidity